Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Crashes mostly eliminated

I thought I had fixed all crash bugs in my app, but I got one report in Google Play a couple days ago. Interestingly, it doesn't mention any of my code, so it's difficult to know what part of my app is involved. Fortunately there only seems to have been that singular report, no reoccurrances even for the same user.

Monday, December 16, 2019

App fixes appear to be working

After releasing an update to my app last week, I still have received zero crash reports from the new version. The fixes appear to have been successful.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

App crashes reduced

The recent problems with the town's bus system's API revealed some rare issues with my app. Yesterday I examined all the crash reports, tweaked the code to address each, and published an update. Many devices installed the update and I haven't seen any crash reports from the new version in Google Play.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Got an online interview

This afternoon I received an email from Caltech informing me that I've been selected for an online interview. It will be a 15-minute videoconference early next week (!) with two professors in the department. My understanding is that if this interview goes well I'll be invited to a recruitment/interviewing weekend on Caltech's campus in the spring. This is a good start!

Sunday, December 8, 2019

App works when others don't

The bus company's API hasn't been returning information for several routes this weekend. Without that, most bus apps for the town cannot display departures for those routes. Fortunately, there is an undocumented API endpoint that provides limited information but is still working. I was able to include data from that endpoint into my server's database, allowing my app to keep functioning reasonably well.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Lecturing again

The professor of the CS class I'm on staff for invited to me to talk to the class again on Monday. The students are working on their final projects, so I'll discuss the process of developing a few-weeks-long project into a real deployed app.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Immunoprecipitation retry results

Yesterday in lab I finished up the western blot of my immunoprecipitation retry from before break. Unfortunately the images were not clear. The one that I was most interested in had inconsistent results between my new immunoprecipitation products and the original ones, though that might have been because I didn't have much of the old ones left. If the results are accurate, only the full-length protein - none of my tested splice variants - interacts with a certain protein, which is fine and interesting, but it's very difficult to tell with the images I have.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Western blotting again

I spent this afternoon doing most of a western blot for the last immunoprecipitation attempt. So far it's going better than last time - the transfer from gel to membrane was decent from a visual inspection. I'll finish that up tomorrow afternoon so I can include my results in my presentation on Friday.