Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Progress at work

My main job as course developer this summer is to prepare the app/assignment students will work on over the course of next semester. The app (our solution) as originally planned got done yesterday; today I started on an extra feature added in order to introduce students to machine learning. I'll be helping with a coworker's project tomorrow, but I may be able to finish this section of mine, after which I can start writing test suites and turning it into an actual assignment.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Walking more

This afternoon I went out walking again. Rather than trying to finish the northeast region without sidewalks, I went west past some nice residential areas. Unfortunately my phone (which I use to keep track of where I've visited) ran low on battery, so I had to turn around a little earlier than planned. Since there isn't direct bus service between that area and my apartment on the weekend, I walked the full round trip, for a total of eight miles. I've now visited 60%~ of the bus stops in town.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Office upgrade

When I got to work this morning I saw that some unrelated equipment had been brought into our room. Soon after I got started, a faculty member asked when the room would be available - apparently it had been reserved for an activity for high schoolers. Two more such events were planned for later in the month. When our professor arrived he spoke with building administration and got us a nice conference room to work in. So we moved all our stuff from the basement up to the third floor. We now have windows (with a great view!), nicer chairs, and a projector.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Yet more walking

It was a reasonable temperature this morning, so I went out walking on my quest to visit all the bus stops in town. I had previously finished all of Urbana except the north, so I went there to start cleaning up the remaining stops. Even getting to unvisited places from my current residence was a long walk - by the time I got there, it was getting noticeably warmer. More problematically, there are very few sidewalks and the stops are very spread out. So I had to turn back, but I got a few more stops and have now visited 58% of them all. That particular area may require a bicycle.

Friday, June 7, 2019

First full week of work

This week was my first week of full-time work on campus. I've wrapped up one of my projects and made a little progress on another. I spent a lot of time helping with some tricky aspects of another developer's project. The professor approved my plan for my main project, so that can start Monday.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

App made a profit

At the beginning of every month, the AdMob console shows an updated earnings amount. At the beginning of June my app just crossed over the amount I paid to publish it. Eighteen cents of profit!

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Settling into the apartment

Today was my first full day in an apartment. My first task was to go to Walmart to buy a pillow because I forgot to bring mine. I then spent much of the day moving my desktop computer setup into the office (again via the bus system) and installing needed updates so I'll be ready to go tomorrow. After relaxing in the apartment a bit I went for a little walk to visit a small collection of bus stops I missed on my previous trip in that direction.