Friday, October 25, 2019

Looking for grad schools

While still very busy with regular work, I now need to do some serious planning for grad school. I'm currently looking at University of Colorado Boulder and University of California San Diego. Caltech and Stanford are on my list, though those are very prestigious and probably very competitive. Most application deadlines are December 1, so I do have some time, but do need to get working.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Surprise! Graduating this year

While looking over my remaining class requirements on Thursday, I realized that I can fit them all in next semester. So I'll graduate next semester - seven months from now! This means I need to get graduate school applications or a job hunt done ASAP so that I can start next summer or fall.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

App almost reached a payment threshold

Google AdMob only pays advertising revenue in chunks, once a payment threshold amount has been reached. Somehow my app earned over $30 last month alone. It's now just a couple dollars from the first threshold, so after over a year I'll almost certainly receive my first payment at the end of this month!