Saturday, November 23, 2019

Break is for applications

I spent most of today working on grad school applications. I filled out some application components, but it's going somewhat slower than I hoped. Tomorrow I should email some professors at the universities to introduce myself and inquire about their research.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Graduation paperwork submitted

Registration opened for me this morning. There are restrictions on CS registration as usual, but I was able to add the three classes I need to graduate. I need that one last CS class for my CS minor and will be able to attempt registration for it in December. Since all requirements will be satisfied by the classes I could enroll in, I submitted the application for graduation!

Saturday, November 2, 2019

App earned $100

Last month my bus app crossed the $100 line in ad revenue. That's the first payment threshold, so I'll actually get paid! The number of users has also been growing somewhat, crossing 700 recently.