Thursday, June 8, 2017

College registration

Today was my day to attend Registration, a mandatory event for incoming freshmen at the University of Illinois. At Registration, students receive some general information on the University, some more specific information on their college (College of Liberal Arts and Sciences for me), break apart into major-specific sessions (I'm in Biology), and finally see an adviser one-on-one to sign up for classes.

Interestingly, Biology isn't an actual major at UIUC. I will need to decide between Molecular & Cellular Biology and Integrative Biology in my second year. I'm leaning towards MCB. Since I already had a lot of college credit from Black Hawk College, I only needed one general education class, in western history. I would like to add a CS double major, but that would be across colleges, and might be tricky. To keep that option open, I also added Calc III to my schedule.

My course load is 16 credits: those two plus the first set of required classes for my major.

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